What does this blue look like? text=#3399ff RGB 51,153,255

How about this orange? color="#ffcc66" RGB 255,204,102

And this green? color="#66ff99" RGB 102,255,153

A blue that works? color="#3399ff" RGB 51,153,255

Should we go lighter blue? color="#6699ff" RGB 102,153,255

Even light blue! color="#33ccff" RGB 51,204,255

So many to choose from! Purplish color="#9999ff" RGB 153,153,255

What about reds? color="#ff0066" RGB 255,0,102

Another cool color,burnt orange-red color="#FF6666" RGB 255,102,102

Black doesn't work color="#000000" RGB 0,0,0

And white! color="#ffffff" RGB 255,255,255

I need a Yellow color! color="#ccff77" RGB 204,255,119

This is my spreadsheet yellow color="#FFFFCC" RGB 255,255,204

This is my spreadsheet blue fill color="#1F4E78" RGB 31,78,120